A Personal Note...

Dietmar Brand

Designer, Cabinet Maker, General Contractor


I was born in Austria to a Master Cabinet Maker and a Tailor.

I graduated from a specialty school for interior engineering/design.

In 1983, driven by my natural curiosity, I spent a year in South Africa and then another 3 months exploring the continent.

Love brought me to California in 1986. I have seen no reason to leave.

I founded Brand Kitchens & Design on May 2, 1987 and have been it's principal force ever since.

My sense of quality and desire for personal involvement has always dictated a small business structure.

As an avid reader and a great communicator, I bring new ideas on top of a great deal of experience.

Watch out, you may see me riding my bicycle pass your home some weekend.

Read about it at: http://dietmarcandoit.blogspot.com/2013/06/prelude.html


Thank you


We feature products from Neff Kitchens

The NEFF family tradition began in Canada over 40 years ago when Paul Neff began carefully building a reputation for creating Extraordinary Kitchen Environments. Today now under the ownership of Paul Gardner this family tradition committed to the highest standards of quality, service, style and function continues with a focus on providing cabinetry solutions for the entire home